Although there are many kind of classification for the nouns in English, such as, Compound Nouns, Countable Nouns, Uncountable Nouns, Collective Nouns, Concrete Nouns, among others, they can be classified in a general way as proper or common nouns. / Although there are many other types of classifications for English nouns, such as compound noun, countable, countless, collective, concrete, among others, they can be classified, in general, in proper nouns and common.
Let's see the differences between them: / Let's see the differences between them:
1 - Proper Nouns: / Proper nouns:
Actually, to be precise it has two meanly characteristics that make it distinctive from the common nouns. They are:/ In fact, to be precise, they have two main characteristics that make them distinct from common nouns. Are they:
→ Named a specific items.
Name specific items:
→ It will always begin with Capital letter.
They will always start with a capital letter.
Example: / Example:
Piranha's Grill, etc.
2 - Common Nouns: / Common Nouns:
→ Named general items.
Name items in general.
Example: / Example:
refrigerator / Fridge
window/ Window
coffee bottle / Coffee bottle
door/ Door
→ They are not written in Capital letter and named people and places in general.
They are not written in capital letters and name places and people in general.
Example: / Example:
restaurant / restaurant
school/ school
beach / Beach
supermarket / supermarket
mall/ mall
police officer/ precinct
manager/ manager
main/ principal
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
grandmother / Grandfather
teenager/ adolescent
Notice the difference between the common and proper nouns: / Note the difference between common and proper nouns:
- I offered Chris one of my favorite Cookies, but he said he just like black. / I offered Cris one of my favorite cookies, but he said he only likes Negresco.
Cookies = common noun
Cookies = common noun
Negresco = proper noun
Negresco = proper noun
- Ariel had wanted a very good teacher for her dance class, but she got Ms Antonela, whose voice and waddle it's not as good as Ariel wished. / Ariel needed a very good teacher for her dance lessons, but she took Ms. Antonela, whose voice and waddle are not as good as Ariel wanted.
teacher = common noun
Teacher = Common noun
Antonela = proper noun
Antonela = Proper noun
Important! / Important!
The common nouns are general names, and they're just capitalized when they begin the sentence. The proper nouns are specific names, and they must be capitalized./ Common nouns name things in general and are only capitalized if they start a sentence. Proper nouns name specific things and must be capitalized.
Cat: Common noun / Jack: Proper noun
common noun:
Common Noun:
this catsare so lovely. / That cat is so lovely.
Proper noun:
Proper noun:
The Garfield isso lovely. / Garfield is so kind.
By Janaína Mourão
Graduated in Letters - English
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MOURãO, Janaína Pereira. "Proper and common nouns in English"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.