What is an adverbial adjunct?

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Read the following sentences:

(1) Peter does not work today.

(2) Peter does not work.

It is possible to note that the highlighted term in (1) specifies the meaning of the verb. However, in (2), after its removal, there was no semantic damage to the statement. This is due to the fact that this term has an accessory function, that is, it is an accessory term of the prayer.

Note further that in (1) the word "today" it has a semantic value that indicates an idea of ​​time. That's because this term is classified as a adverbial adjunct and thus resembles the adverbs, which normally form the core of this accessory term.

So it's called adverbial adjunct the accessory term of the sentence that has adverbial value and indicates some circumstance of the fact expressed by the verb, or intensifies his sense of a adjective or of a adverb.

Because it has this adverbial value, the adverbial adjunct it also presents semantic classifications according to the idea it represents in relation to the term to which it relates.

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Adverbial Adjunct Ratings:

a) Adverbial cause:


they trembled of cold.

The house became simple because of the budget.

b) Adverbial Adjunct of Company:


I lived with Peter for two years.

I received the order with a toast.

c) Adjunct adverbial of concession:


despite the budget, the party was wonderful.

despite being exhausted, I could not sleep.

d) Adverbial doubt:


Perhaps let us plan the trip together.

The product perhaps sell a lot.

e) End adverbial adjunct:


All employees made an effort for project success.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

I'll be back in half an hour to the meeting.

f)Instrument adverbial adjunct:


I painted the wall with the brush.

She died with a stab in the heart.

g) Intensity adverbial adjunct:


we have been trying hard much.

the dancers rehearsed quite.

h) Adjunct adverbial of place:


The show premiered in Sao Paulo.

ink splashed all over.

i) Adjunct adverbial of medium:


We come back by car home.

The order will come by post.

j) Adjunct adverbial of mode:


The party was organized carefully.

expected quietly to board.

k) Adjunct adverbial denial:


No watched the entire movie.

No there are errors in your writing.

l) Adjunct time adverbial:


The order will arrive tomorrow.

Yesterday my mother wrote to me.

m) Subject adverbial adjunct:


the book spoke about WWII.

we spoke about football.

n) Adverbial condition:


Approval would not happen no dedication.

without my consent, you will not travel.

O)Adverbial adverbial statement:


Yea, I will really travel.

all will attend certainly.

p) Adjunct adverbial of compliance:


carried out the project as agreed.

The meeting was organized according the director's guidance.

q) Adjunct of interest:


the dancer dropped everything for the show.

John advanced the service for the trip.

r) Adverbial frequency:


Ever traveled there.

There were classes every day.

Heads up: These are some classifications of adverbial adjuncts. There are still several others that depend on the semantic nature that they express in the statement.

By Mariana Rigonatto
Graduated in Letters

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

RIGONATTO, Mariana. "What is an adverbial adjunct?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-adjunto-adverbial.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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