Cedilha: what is it, what is it for and when to use it

THE CEDILLA it is a diacritical mark used under the letter Ç. It has the sound of SS and as follows: Ç. It can never start words and is always used before vowels THE, O and U. Along with the vowels AND and I, only the letter is used Ç.

Rules for using the cedilla

1. In words of Arabic, indigenous or African origin, Ç is used.

Examples: Itauçu, alligator-açu, saffron, açaí, butchery, sugar, lily, weir, arrack, liquor, youngest, Iguazu, beads, Muslim, peanut candy, Paiçandu, Paraguay.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

2. Use of suffixes -SSÃO, -SÃO or -ÇÃO:

In general, when the primitive verb ends in -MER, -MIR -TER, -TIR, -DER, -DIR, suffixes are used -SSION (after vowel) and -THEY ARE (after consonant).


seize - seize

Print - print

redeem - remission

aggress - aggression

regress - regression

progress - progression

transgress - transgression

omit - omit

dismiss - dismissal

admit - admission

allow - permission

broadcast - broadcast

give in - assignment

succeed - succession

grant - grant

intend - claim

ascend - ascend

pour - version

reverse - reverse

Convert - convert

Subvert - Subversion

expel - expel

repel - repel

Observation: There are some exceptions for the above case. Look:

hold - hold

detain - detention

ater - attention

abstain - abstain

get - get

When the primitive verb has any other ending other than those mentioned above, the suffix is ​​used -DOG.


narrate - narration

Promote - Promotion

propagate - propagate

Retaliate - retaliation

transform - transformation

train - training

fix - fix

Read too: Land or land?

3. Ç is used after diphthongs.






Origin of cedilla

Although no longer used in Spanish since the 18th century, the cedilla has its genesis in Spain. The word comes from "ceda", letter name Z, in Spanish. Originally, the "dash" that is placed below the Ç was a small Z whose purpose was to indicate that the letter corresponded to the sound of s.

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Why is Ç not in the alphabet?

THE Ç not a letter, but the joining of the letter Ç with the diacritical mark (distinctive) cedilla. It is not in the alphabet for the same reason that the Ã. The diacritical marks of Portuguese are the cedilla, you graphic accents (high and circumflex), O useful and, until recently, the now extinct shake. This means that just the letter Ç must be in the alphabet.

See below some cases in which the use of cedilha may raise doubts:


  • The word section comes from the verb to section, soon means breakdown.


go to the section of the company's human resources.

At section from the supermarket, you will find toothbrush.

  • The word assignment originates from the verb to yield, so it means Donation.


The city has just made a assignment of land for needy families.

  • The word session it means meeting, a set of people who come together for an end.


- Cinema session

- Session for voting on a bill in the National Congress


  • To hunt means to slaughter an animal or prey.


It is forbidden to hunt wild animals.

  • cancel it is the withdrawal of a mandate from a politician.


Congress must revoke the deputy's mandate.


THE CEDILLA it is a diacritical mark used under the letter Ç. It features the sounds of SS and as follows: Ç. It can never start words and is always used before vowels THE, O and U. Along with the vowels AND and I, only the letter is used Ç. Its origin goes back to Spanish, in which a small z (“ceda” in Spanish) was placed below the Ç to give you sound of S. It is used in words of Arabic, African and indigenous origin, in forms with the suffix -dog etc.
by Jairo Beraldo
Portuguese Language Teacher

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

BERALDO, Jairus. "Cedilla"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/cedilha.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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