What fuel pollutes the atmosphere the most?

What is the fuel that most harms our health: alcohol, diesel, or gasoline?
Automotive Industries took an important step by launching “total flex” vehicles. Consumers, in addition to being able to save on fuel, have the option of filling up with fuels that cause less pollution than gasoline (in this case alcohol), but is this idea politically correct?
It seems that those who use alcohol instead of gasoline do not pollute, and are blameless in these times of global warming, this is a wrong view of the concepts of pollution. It turns out that alcohol also pollutes, it is true that to a lesser extent than gasoline, but it cannot be classified as non-polluting, see why:
Regarding the emission of polluting gases, burning alcohol emits less polluting gases into the atmosphere, as it is derived from the fermentation of sugarcane. Gasoline, on the other hand, in addition to being derived from petroleum, does not have an engine that combusts correctly, releasing gases that harm human health and the environment into the atmosphere.

Alcohol and gasoline pollute considerably less than diesel, thanks to the catalyst. This important piece of equipment causes more harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide, to be transformed into less hazardous substances. But both are responsible for emitting dangerous carbon dioxide, which contributes to the greenhouse effect and global warming.
In the case of diesel, the hydrocarbons that make up gasoline are lighter than those that make up diesel oil, as they are formed by molecules of lower carbon chain (usually chains of 4 to 12 carbon atoms), so diesel becomes the great villain in traffic, and to aggravate the In this situation, diesel-powered vehicles, such as buses and trucks, are not equipped with good catalysts (a vital part to reduce gas emissions pollutants).
Furthermore, highly harmful heavy metals are also part of the diesel composition. They accumulate in the human body and, after a few years, they even cause neurological damage. Studies have revealed that the dioxins present in diesel are responsible for causing severe headaches, hormonal disturbances and cancer in the respiratory system.
Biodiesel is the solution to avoid this global disaster, and Brazil takes the lead in conquering this important ally in the fight against environmental problems.

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By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

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fuel alcohol

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "What is the fuel that most pollutes the atmosphere?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/qual-combustivel-que-mais-polui-atmosfera.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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