Araçá: botanical characteristics and benefits

Arrack is a popular name used in reference to some species belonging to the genus psidm, which is included in the Myrtaceae family. The fruit of the araçá is consumed in nature, however, the consumption of derived products is also observed, such as ice cream, juices and liqueurs, which are usually produced by hand. The fruit of the araçá is rich in Vitamin C and features low calories.

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Botanical Features

Araçá or araçazeiro is the name used to refer to some species belonging to the Myrtaceae family and genus Psidium. This family has great economic importance, encompassing a series of species that produce edible fruits, such as the jabuticaba, jambo, guava and cherry, and that can also be used as ornamentals, sources of wood and aromatic oils.

The gender Psidium é from tropical and subtropical America and includes about 100 species. In addition to the araçás, the guava tree is worth mentioning (Psidium guajava), considered one of the most important species of the genus. With regard to araçás, the species with the greatest interest for commercial exploitation are

Guinean Psidium and P. cattleianum. This last species is considered to be the producer of one of the best fruits among the araçá and receives the following popular names: araçá, araçá-do-campo, araçá-yellow, araçá-red, araçá-coroa, among others.

The name of araçá is given to the different species of the genus Psidium.
The name of araçá is given to the different species of the genus Psidium.

O P. cattleianum is arbor or shrub species and can reach up to 6 meters in height. It has a tortuous trunk and simple, leathery (leather-like texture), glabrous (hairless) and green leaves. The flowers are white. The fruits have a varied dimension, are of the berry type and may have a yellow or red color. This species is divided into two morphotypes, which are named Araçá-Yellow and Araçá-Red.

the species Guinean Psidium is one of the best known species that occur in the Çenter-OThis one. It is an arbor or shrub and is about 6 meters high. The leaves are leathery and have a yellowish-brown or reddish-brown color. The inflorescences, in their initial phase, are covered by reddish-brown hairs, which later turn gray-yellowish. At flowers have whitish petals. Generally, the fruit is subglobular and has a yellowish pulp.

Use of araçá

The fruits of the araçá are consumed in nature or used in the preparation of other products, such as sweets, pulps, ice cream, liqueurs, jellies and juices. Processed products made from araçá fruits are usually produced by hand, once that there is no orderly planting of these species, which causes a low amount of fruit for large production scale. the fruit it tastes sweet and it's juicy.

Araçá can be consumed fresh or used in the manufacture of other products.
Araçá can be consumed fresh or used in the manufacture of other products.

It is a mistake to think that the consumption of araçá is restricted to the fruit. At roots of this plant are used in folk medicine, as well as its leaves. The bark is used in the tanning of skins, the wood is used in the manufacture of furniture and use for firewood, and the leaves are used to dye paper and fabrics. Araçá can also be used to recover degraded areas. In addition, the plant is used for ornamentation and has essential oils with potential for use in the aroma industry.

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Consumption benefits

The araçazeiro fruit contains a series of components beneficial to health, being a source, for example, of Vitamin C,mineral saltsandfibers.According to Embrapa, araçazeiro fruits can contain up to three times more vitamin C than oranges.

The fruits of the araçá have a series of components that are beneficial to health.
The fruits of the araçá have a series of components that are beneficial to health.

Vitamin C is important because it acts, for example, in the formation of fibers collagens, absorption of iron by the body and maintenance of the integrity of blood vessels. In addition, araçá fruits are considered low-energy foods and have a large amount of phenolic compounds, which are related to antioxidant properties. Studies indicate that the consumption of araçá can help reduce the cholesterol total, LDL and liver fat.

Studies have also demonstrated the nutritional value of products produced from araçá fruits. The mechanically extracted araçá juice, for example, has a high content of phenolic compounds, mineral salts and vitamins, in addition to presenting low sugar. It is worth noting that araçá is also used in folk medicine, as its roots have antidiarrheal and diuretic properties. The leaves are also used to control diarrhea.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

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