Territorial Aspects of Russia

THE Russia, the largest country in the world, has 17,098,240 km², distributed between the European and Asian continents – separated by the Ural Mountains. Its population is approximately 143,456,918 million inhabitants. Due to its large territorial extension, Russia borders 14 different countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and Korea From north.

THE latitudinal distribution of the country results in several types of climate, from the arctic, in the extreme north, to the moderate continental climate, in its southern portion. The main characteristics of the Russian climate are very cold winters, with extremely low average temperatures in certain areas of the country. In Yakutsk, for example, which receives the title of coldest city in the world, the average annual temperature is around -25°C. In summer, this temperature rises, ranging between 0°C and 20°C; in winter, it usually reaches -45°C. In a few moments, this temperature dropped to -65°C.

In its longitudinal arrangement, another interesting factor involves Russia: the country has 11 time zones, an element that makes it difficult to guide the socioeconomic dynamics of people and companies operating in Russian territory.
territorial dimension

With a territory equivalent to twice that of Brazil, it can be said that the Russia it is a populous country, but sparsely populated, as its demographic density is considered low, around 8.8 inhab/km². At Russia's main cities are: Moscow (capital), St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Nijni Novogorod and Yekaterinburg.

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See Russia's territorial extension

THE Russian territorial occupation is not homogeneous. Considering the very low temperatures measured in the far north, especially in the region of Siberia, which spends most of the year frozen, the population tends to be concentrated in the southern portion of the parents. In this same range, the main cities and population centers in the country are concentrated.

The vastness of the Russian territory also allows for the development of various areas of cultivation and exploitation of land with extractive, agricultural and livestock activities. Russia is among the main exporters of wood in the world. It also stands out for the production of cereals (wheat, barley, oats and rye) and cattle raising in practically the entire territory. Russia's vast coastline also makes it a prominent fishing country, ranking sixth among the largest producers on the planet.

In the industrial field, the exploration of the territory also occurs through mineral extraction, highlighting the extraction of zinc, copper and iron in the western portion of the country. Also noteworthy is the exploration of oil and natural gas fields in the central portion of the territory. Another important resource found on Russian territory are the uranium reserves in the southwest of the country.
by Hugo Mota
Graduated in Geography

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