Environmental education trainers via distance learning

The monitoring of the project development will be done by a multidisciplinary team regarding the technical competences of each specialty; technical, managerial and pedagogical. Tutoring will have a fundamental role based on its moderation in the articulations that must be made with the referrals directed to their respective responsible, that is, it will be the link with the implementation team of the project and the course participant.

Monitoring must ensure the continuity of the process so that it is not limited to gathering information only. Thus, the analytical and constructive character of the assessment will be maintained. Here are some elements that will constitute the monitoring of the project: multidisciplinary team, production of reports, technical assistance, continuous evaluation, meetings and communication tools.

It is understood that evaluating is the act of following the construction of knowledge, in which it must assume traces of reality, in a global space. A process with a systemic character, scientifically designed from the formation of a clear and multidimensional communication web, raising and analyzing indicators that guarantee the autonomy of the target audience in a way that meets the individuality and collectivity in a society contemporary.

The principles that should guide the evaluation of our proposal for continuing education with educators in DL modality in the educational setting about environmental issues must emerge in a perspective transformative.
The criteria used in the constitution of actions for a broader assessment, both in its field of action and in objectives, centered on processes, relationships, decisions and results are: the vision of totality and participation collective.

Every evaluation process requires attention to the limits identified, whether in a previous diagnosis, then trying to overcome and dare with regard to its desired challenges and potential. we realize the importance of totality in every evaluation process, as the particularity in the sense of dissociation from the moments of learning and evaluation provokes a instability.

We must have a holistic view of formative assessment (continuous and procedural), thinking about a dynamic assessment, that is, in movement that permeates the entire training space. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing the importance of self-assessment as a permanent strategy in every assessment process.

In implementing the AVA, we must consider the following indicators:

- Mediations in the training space from the construction of a virtual community of knowledge about environmental issues.

- Contextualization of the reality of those involved with regard to the pedagogical proposal of the educational scenario in the municipality.

- Promotion of debates based on media tools (asynchronous and synchronous), making appropriation of theoretical foundation available in the learning environment.

- Use of face-to-face moments to structure pedagogical proposals that foster an intervention project which will be executed.

- Relationships based on coexistence and conduct criteria in our virtual community.
- Feedback by tutoring, through directed syntheses, considering the autonomy of knowledge as fundamental in the entire process.

The project must produce pedagogical, technological, environmental, educational and social gains:

- Pedagogical: to strengthen our pedagogical practice through multidisciplinary actions, efficiently appropriating transversality and interdisciplinarity in the formation of our students, or better, school community, emerging a critical-reflective posture in their performance, guided by a teaching-learning proposal by Skills.

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- Technological: make possible through technological tools: print media, sound media, audio-visual media and cyberculture means that provide the scenario training, through the distance learning modality, a space for interaction that can strengthen partnerships throughout the process from the preparation and control of the implementation of a VLE via partnership: Department of Education, Department of Technology and Department of the Environment, in which it establishes communication throughout the entire management process of the formation.

- Environmental: to sensitize the communities involved in taking a leading position with regard to the space and time in which they find themselves, assuming the commitment to reframe our actions on the issues announced, health of the planet, from a holistic view, guided by interventions built in the process of implementing our object of study.

- Training: to multiply the acquired knowledge, so that skills that can intervene are enhanced in our environment, actions that collaborate in the implementation of environmental practices, built by cultural values ​​of peace.

- Social: strengthening democratic ties by managing a management committed to solidarity, via education, strengthening partnerships with the communities involved, which can lead actions for a culture of peace and quality of life in our planet.
The appropriation of information and communication technologies in the educational space reframes the concept of knowledge. It is through technological tools, from active mediations that potentialities emerge, time and space are no longer problems, providing an education without distance, without time, leading the educational system to assume a role, not only of training citizens belonging to that context, but of inclusive training in a society of differences.

We cannot at any time ignore the obvious, as we know that the school does not educate alone. If there is no social pact with other social institutions, including the family, added to the necessary reforms to its development, it will not be possible to train a citizen in the values ​​proposed by the NCPs, especially in relation to transversality environmental. Therefore, it is known that the daily practice of seeking new approaches through this way of working environmental issues reveals a new paradigm, not only in the discourse, but also in the reflection-action-reflection praxis of the socio-environmental trajectory, which could lead to a change in this frame.
[1] BRAZIL. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1998. Barueri, SP: Manole, 2004.
[2] BRAZIL, Secretary of Fundamental Education. National curriculum parameters: environment and health. 3rd ed. Brasília: MEC, v. 9, 1997.
[3] _____. National curricular parameters: transversal themes. 3rd ed. Brasília: MEC, 1998.
[4] CASTRO, Elsa M. No. V.de. Dialogue with life: a conscious education. In: MELLO FILHO, Luís E. in. Environment and Education. Rio de Janeiro: Gryphius, 1999.
[5] LITWIN. AND. From traditions to virtuality. In: Distance Education. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2001.

Per Rodiney Marcelo Braga dos Santos
Columnist of Brazil School
 Degree in Mathematics (UECE). Specialist in Distance Education (SENAC). Specialist in Systems Engineering (ESAB). Specialist in School Management (UECE). Microinformatics Technician (CEPEP). Professor in the area of ​​Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Its Technologies.

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