Beta Particle and Skin Cancer

The beta particle can be a positron or an electron. The electron is used today in a medical modality called radiotherapy.
We can get electrons from radioactive elements that, in their decay, emit the beta particle minus (electron), or through the linear accelerator that has the same operating principle as the x-ray machine conventional.
The electron is a form of corpuscular radiation that carries energy. The energy carried by the electrons can be used for the purpose of treating skin cancer.
The association of this type of radiation to the treatment of skin cancer is directly linked to the power of reach and penetration that radiation has.
The beta plus and beta minus particles are attenuated sharply due to their short range power by even a small acrylic plate. Therefore, several types of superficial cancers can be systematically treated using electrons.

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by Frederico Borges
Graduated in Physics
Brazil School Team

Electromagnetism - Physics - Brazil School

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RIBEIRO, Thiago. "Beta Particle and Skin Cancer"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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