Meaning of CCP (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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PCC is the acronym for First Capital Command, one Brazilian criminal faction that commands several illegal acts, such as assaults, kidnappings, murders, drug trafficking and prison rebellions.

Considered as one of the largest criminal organizations in the country, the PCC was created on August 31, 1993 in the Annex of the House of Custody of Taubaté (“Piranhão”), in São Paulo. Originally, this group was formed by 8 prisoners who had the “mission” of avenging the Carandiru massacre episode, where 111 prisoners were murdered in 1992.

Initially dubbed the Party of Crime, the PCC is also known for the code "15.3.3", due to the fact that “P” is the 15th letter of the Portuguese alphabet and “C” the 3rd.

The members of the PCC are spread across almost all Brazilian states, in addition to records of the organization's actions in Bolivia and Paraguay.

Among the leaders of this faction, the best known were Marcos Willians Herbas Camacho, known as "Marcola" or "Playboy", and Idemir Carlos Ambrósio, the "Shadow".

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O Red Command (CV), criminal gang based in Rio de Janeiro, together with the Northern family (FDN), are currently the main rivals of the CCP.

Learn more about meaning of gang.

CCP Rules

According to the criminal organization, each member (called “brother”) must collaborate with a kind of monthly fee to participate in the group: R$50 for those in prison and R$500 for those in freedom.

In addition to the money raised by the "partners", the PCC is financed by drug trafficking (cocaine and marijuana, mainly) and other crimes, such as robberies and kidnappings. It is estimated that this organization earns approximately R$ 120 million per year.

In addition, all members must follow the rules of the call. "CCP Statute", also known as "Commandments of the CCP" or yet "Booklet of the PCC". It consists of a list of 16 topics that supposedly govern the actions of criminals belonging to this group.

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