How to be an example to other people?

Saying what other people need to do is easy, but taking action and doing it to be an example is not that easy. There is no one who has never heard someone say: “speaking is easy, it is difficult to do”.
Many people tend to show their authority by imposing rules and limits, but they don't do it themselves. How to teach a child that preservatives are bad if parents do not stop buying canned goods and soda for meals?

Being an example to other people is showing that you can change. There is no one in the world who does not like to be praised as an example of beauty! To be a beautiful person, she needs to take care of herself, eat natural, low-fat foods, she needs to use moisturizer on her skin, tidy her nails, keep her hair clean and well-cut, with well-ironed and clean clothes, so we can see that to be the example of beauty, a person needs to take action to achieve this happen.

Being an exemplary person at school requires a routine of study both at school and at home, the person strives and spends time to better understand the subject studied. For everything it takes effort.

Whenever a person wants to be an example, they need to work in some way so that their goal is distinguished from other people, it is necessary to have a routine that allows us to exercise our side to be highlighted. To be different and an example it is necessary to change.

education - Brazil School

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