Black Hole. black hole in outer space

Black Hole is a portion of outer space where a very high gravitational force develops, thus, nothing leaves this region. This force is formed from matter that floats on a gravitational body.
Since nothing escapes a black hole, we cannot receive anything from that part of the universe. In light of this statement, it is evident that, in order to carry out studies, it is necessary to analyze the influence of the black hole in the regions close to it.
Although visual observation of the central body of the black hole is not possible, there are ways to identify the its mass through analysis of the measurement of the velocity of gas and dust clouds that orbit in the nearby. There are several types of black holes, among them: super massive black holes, stellar black holes and mini black holes.

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By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Black Hole";

Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.


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