General Geography. General Geography Studies

THE geography it is science that is concerned with understanding the aspects and dynamics of geographic space, as well as the way in which it transforms and is transformed by human activities in sociocultural, environmental, economic, political, among others.

The geographic space, more than simply a mere stage where human action is established, is also a constitutive actor and constituted by it. It reveals social dynamics in the most diverse spheres, both in the expressions of their landscapes and in the dynamic character of their territories, in addition to understandings of different places.

This section was designed to group together some general themes of geography, characterized by having a broad dimension in terms of thematic and scale. These are issues that tend to have a high degree of interdisciplinarity and involve multiple relations between the various branches of geographic knowledge, integrating the physical, human, global and regional.

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In this way, we hope, with this section, to create opportunities for a chain of learning based on social dynamics and involving the multiple forms of knowledge, providing opportunities for the emergence of a space for studies in order to improve knowledge and debate ideas.

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By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

Political Map of Brazil

Political Map of Brazil

AcreInitials: B.CRegion: NorthCapital: White RiverGentile: acrean or acreanTerritorial area: 164,...

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Urbanization: what it is, characteristics of the urbanization process

Urbanization: what it is, characteristics of the urbanization process

THE Urbanization it is a phenomenon that is linked to the population and territorial growth of ci...

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Earth's thermal zones: what they are and what they are

At thermal zones or climate zonesfrom the earth they are regions of the planet, represented on th...

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