PVT is the acronym of the english word private, which means “private”, in the Portuguese language translation.
Popularly, the PVT is used to refer to various aspects in which a certain situation or content is not (or should not be) publicly accessible or known.
In social networks, for example, PVT is used to classify the subject as confidential or to warn the user that a particular conversation should be discussed in private.
Example: "I send my phone number on PVT” – which is equivalent to - “I send my phone number in private message”.
Learn more about the meaning of secrecy.
This acronym is also commonly used as a slang for private parties or small raves– electronic music parties. In these "PVT meetings", the entries of a few people previously selected by the host or organizer of the party are allowed.
The acronym PVT can also mean Textured Vegetable Protein, which is more popular as “vegetable meat” or “soybean”.
Textured Vegetable Protein (PVT) is an alternative widely explored by vegetarians who choose not to eat any type of food of animal origin.
This type of PVT is also known by another acronym: PTS – Textured Soy Protein.
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