10 tips to face the heat

High temperatures, low relative humidity and you don't know what to do? Brasil Escola has set aside some tips for you to face the heat waves that commonly hit our country.

1- The first tip and the main one is the hydration. In hot weather, you end up losing a lot of fluid and minerals through perspiration, and it is very important to replace what was lost. Remember to drink plenty of fluids, especially if you work outdoors and are constantly exposed to the sun's heat. Avoid alcoholic beverages and coffee, opt for a natural juice!

2- When it comes to food, choose light foods, such as fruits and vegetables. If your plate cannot lack meat, why not choose fish? Avoid eating foods with a lot of fat or fried foods.

3- Remember that the heat spoils food faster, then properly preserve your dishes. If you bring food to work or plan to take a snack to the beach, be sure to pack them in cooler bags. Avoid eating products like mayonnaise and yogurt, they tend to spoil more easily.

4- Avoid clothes that make sweating difficult, such as tight pieces and synthetic fabric.

Cotton is a great choice! Try to use lighter colors, these pieces are less hot than dark clothes.

5- If you can't stand the heat and plan to go to beaches or swimming pools, remember that the sun exposure is only recommended until 10 am and after 4 pm.

6- Use a lot sunscreen and, if possible, use hats, hats or umbrella when exposed to the sun. Sunglasses must also be worn.

7- If you are the type that does not leave the air conditioning or work in environments where this equipment must be turned on, pay attention to your airways. The air conditioning ends up causing a dryness these pathways, which can lead to irritation. To avoid discomfort, use saline solution in the nostrils whenever you feel it is necessary. Saline is also important when the relative humidity is low.

8- Turn off some equipment that increase the heat of the environment. The lamps, for example, raise the temperature of the place reasonably. In addition to making you cooler, you'll also save electricity.

9- Use air humidifiers; but if you don't have them, put a basin of water in the room or a wet towel.

10- Another essential care concerns the cars. Remember that a car exposed to the sun works like a greenhouse! Don't keep children waiting while you solve a problem. Also, be careful when entering the vehicle, open the doors and windows to let the heat out.

In addition to all the tips above, remember to pay special attention to seniors and children!

Now that you know how to behave on days of extreme heat, stay calm and wait for milder days!

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/10-dicas-para-enfrentar-calor.htm

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