When we reach a dirty river, for example, we hear many people saying that we shouldn't bathe in that area because the place is polluted. However, not all polluted areas have pathogenic organisms.
we callpolluted waterone that has changes in its physical and chemical characteristics. When we see water with a different color or odor, we know that it is polluted. However, the color and bad smell can be caused by substances that do not cause diseases in humans.
When water has disease-causing organisms or substances that can bring health problems, we say it is contaminated. Therefore, we can conclude that not all polluted water is contaminated, but all contaminated water is polluted, that is, thecontaminated water is a type of polluted water.
THE contaminated water causes several diseases, such as hepatitis, amoebiasis, cholera, gastroenteritis and schistosomiasis. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 80% of diseases in the world are caused by the ingestion of unsafe drinking water.
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In order to be suitable for human consumption, the water must have an unaltered taste, color and odor and not contain toxic substances or pathogenic microorganisms. waters with these characteristics are called drinking.
Currently it is increasingly difficult to find potable water, being reported daily in local newspapers facing water rationing. This rationing is a result, in part, of the pollution and contamination of rivers and lakes that reduce the amount of quality water available.
The contamination and pollution of rivers are serious problems and require immediate actions not only from government officials, but from the entire population. First, we must always remember not to throw any material into water bodies, not to release sewage into rivers and lakes and report whenever we observe that garbage and sewage are being improperly released into the environment. environment.
It is essential that we position ourselves in an ecologically correct way and demand efforts from governments in relation to this serious problem. Together we can reverse this sad situation!
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Difference between polluted water and contaminated water"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/diferenca-entre-agua-poluida-agua-contaminada.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

Water treatment, filtration, flocculation, decantation, chlorination, potabilization, peat, aluminum sulphate, treatments physical and chemical conditions for water, waterborne diseases, amoebiasis, giardiasis, gastroenteritis, typhoid and paratyphoid, liver