Internal migrations. Types of internal migration

Among the factors that influence migratory processes, work is the preponderant one. This movement can occur within the same country, state or municipality. These are called internal migrations, which are those in which people move within the same territory.

Among the internal migrations we have the following movements:

  • Rural exodus: type of migration that occurs with the transfer of rural populations to the urban space. The main causes are: industrialization, the expansion of the tertiary sector and the mechanization of agriculture.
  • Migration Urban-Rural: type of migration that occurs with the transfer of urban populations to rural areas. These days it's a very unusual type of migration.
  • urban-urban migration: type of migration that occurs with the transfer of populations from one city to another. A very common type of migration these days.
  • seasonal migration: type of migration that is characterized by being linked to the seasons of the year. It is a temporary migration, where the migrant leaves a certain place, in a certain period of the year, and later returns, in another period of the year. It is also known as transhumance. This is what happens, for example, with the sertanejos in the Brazilian Northeast.
  • pendular migration: type of migration characteristic of large cities and metropolitan regions, in which hundreds or thousands of workers leave every morning from his house (in a certain city) to his work (which is in another city), returning at the end of the morning.
  • Nomadism: type of migration characterized by the constant displacement of populations in search of food, shelter, etc. This type of migration is typical of primitive societies and because of that it is in extinction.

By Regis Rodrigues
Graduated in Geography

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ALMEIDA, Regis Rodrigues de. "Internal migrations"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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