What is referential?

One referential it is the body or place from which observations of different phenomena are made. By changing the framework, the perception of phenomena also changes. The referential can be understood as the point of view of an observer placed in a certain place in space.

Relationship between Movement and Reference

We can only say that an object is in movement or not from a referential. It is possible for a body to be moving for one observer and stationary for another. Imagine that you are stopped on a road when the friendly couple below pass by on an ATV.

For you, an observer standing on the road, the man and the woman are in motion, but if we take the woman as a reference, she will say the driver is stationary. Movement and rest depend on the frame!

Relationship between Movement and Trajectory

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The frame also defines the trajectory type of moving objects. Imagine that you are now standing on any street when you see an object falling from a moving car. Your view of the object's trajectory is different from the driver's view. While you see a path shaped like

parable, the driver sees the object falling in a straight line.

inertial reference

A frame of reference is called an inertial if the Newton's laws are valid. inertial references must be at rest or in uniform rectilinear movement. If we take the interior of an aircraft at the time of acceleration take-off as a reference for observation of phenomena, the analyzes performed would be compromised, since, in fast-paced movement or rotation, the frame is considered non-inertial.

By Joab Silas
Graduated in Physics

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JUNIOR, Joab Silas da Silva. "What is referential?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/fisica/o-que-e-referencial.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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