Aftermath of the First World War

question 1

(PUC-RS) Among the immediate political-economic developments in the international order produced by the First World War (1914-1918), it is correct to point out:

  1. the end of France's customs privileges in trade with Germany.
  2. the emergence of the United Nations, through the Treaty of Sevres.
  3. the creation of Yugoslavia, as a result of political issues in the Balkans.
  4. the annexation of Palestine, Syria, and Iraq to the Ottoman Empire.
  5. the incorporation of Hungary and Czechoslovakia into Austrian domains.

question 2

(Ufpel 2008) Articles of the Treaty of Versailles (century. XX):

Art. 45 - Germany cedes to France absolute ownership [...], with full exploitation rights, of the coal mines located in the basin of the river Saar.

Art. 119 - Germany renounces, in favor of the Allied Powers, all rights over the overseas colonies.

Art. 171 - The manufacture and import of armored cars, tanks, or any other instrument that serves war purposes is prohibited in Germany.

Art. 232 - Germany undertakes to repair all damage caused to the civilian population of the allied powers and their property.

MARQUES, Adhemar Martins et all. "Contemporary History Texts and documents". São Paulo: Context, 1999.

According to the text and to your knowledge, it is correct to state that the Treaty of Versailles:

a) Ended World War II, causing Germany to lose its overseas colonies to Allied countries.

b) Extinguished the League of Nations, proposing the creation of the United Nations (UN) in 1945, with the aim of preserving world peace.

c) It stimulated economic and colonial competition between European countries, culminating in World War I.

d) Allowed the Allied Powers to divide Germany at the end of World War II into four zones of occupation: French, British, American and Soviet.

e) It imposed harsh sanctions on Germany at the end of World War I, resurrecting nationalism and reorganizing the country's political forces.

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