INCRA x IBAMA. INCRA x IBAMA, conflicts and disputes

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INCRA and IBAMA they are two federal agencies created for different purposes, but which are related to rural and agrarian space in Brazil. INCRA (National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform) was created in 1970 to promote agrarian reform and control the lands of the Union. IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Natural Resources) was created in 1989 to protect and manage the Brazilian environment.

Conflicts between INCRA and IBAMA occur whenever the former authorizes the occupation of rural settlements in places defined as areas of environmental protection. In these cases, IBAMA usually fines INCRA and demands the removal of settlements, a request that is not always complied with.

The invasion of settlements in protected areas is the main reason for the INCRA x IBAMA conflict
The invasion of settlements in protected areas is the main reason for the INCRA x IBAMA conflict

Faced with some impasses, it is possible to conclude that such misunderstandings occur for the following reasons:

a) Unequal land distribution in the country, which provides the manifestation of landless groups and the consequent occupation of places reserved for preservation, such as riparian forests, reserve areas etc.

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b) The expansion of agricultural frontiers in Brazil, which is generated by the increase in agricultural production – especially geared towards exports. This factor is responsible for the decrease in natural lands and the consequent creation of reserves by IBAMA which, later, can be occupied by settlements of populations that also lose space for the latifundium.

c) Absence of a land allocation policy by INCRA, as well as an administration that manages to reconcile the problems of rural workers with the environmental issue.

d) Absence of a land allocation policy on the part of INCRA, as well as an administration that manages to reconcile the problems of rural workers with the environmental issue.

Furthermore, a greater relationship between these two institutes is necessary in order to end the impasses and establish the promotion of Agrarian Reform and environmental conservation in the country.

By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

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PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. "INCRA x IBAMA"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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