Attached or attached?

The word “attachment” indicates that something is connected, joined together. And, in this case, it will have the function of an adjective, that is, it will agree with the noun that accompanies it. Look:

a) The document is attached.
b) Copies are attached.
c) Sending an enclosed letter.

There is, on the other hand, the use of structures, such as:

a) It is attached.
b) The monthly production spreadsheets are attached.

In this case, we observe that there is a willingness on the part of the interlocutor to express the way in which something is being sent. We cannot say that the expression is wrong, as the verb “follows” is being complemented by an adverbial phrase of manner.

Now, if I mean to say that something is going inside an attachment, it's better to say “in attachment” instead of “attachment”.

Examples: The letter follows at the attachment.
He follows at the attached, the individual invitation.

In the prayers above we have the understanding that the letter and the invitation are within the attachment, that is, they are included in the attachment.

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In the sentence: It follows the requested appendix, “the appendix” is a noun phrase that serves as the subject of the sentence and, therefore, agrees with the verb “follows”.

The important thing is to verify the function that the term "annex" plays in a given allocution: adverbial complement, subject of the clause (noun phrase) or adjective, as each case will require a way to write the term "annex" or the expression that integrates this word.

Observation: Remember that noun phrase has a noun or equivalent term as its head. In the sentence: The requested attachments follow, the nucleus is “attachments”, that is, it is support for understanding the sentence.

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Attachment or attached? "; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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