On October 18th, Doctor's Day is celebrated, a professional responsible for caring for and promoting the health of the entire population. This date was chosen in reference to the Day of Saint Luke, the patron saint of Medicine.
The physician is the professional responsible for discovering the diseases that affect a given patient, providing support and adequate indications for a cure. He is also responsible for indicating ways to prevent illnesses and guide the individual so that he can have a healthier life.
Medicine, without a doubt, is one of the areas of knowledge that demand greater commitment and responsibility from the professional. To be a good doctor, a constant investment in improvement is essential, being always informed about the new scientific discoveries, learning about new treatments and tests, in addition to being aware of new diseases that arise all over time.
The good doctor, in addition to having a good theoretical foundation, must know how to relate, promoting a relationship of trust with his patient.
The doctor-patient relationship is essential for the proper course of the treatment, since the patient feels free to talk in detail about what ails him. Therefore, it is essential that the doctor open space for questions and know how to explain in a thoughtful and careful way what affects each person.Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
The trust relationship established between doctor-patient is also important in times of great pain, such as when reporting a terminal illness. The doctor must be prepared to face death and help the relatives and even the patient to face this very difficult moment.
In addition to all the responsibility for this profession, doctors face major difficulties on a daily basis, such as lack of structure of many Brazilian hospitals and also the lack of resources. Unfortunately, without working conditions, physicians cannot adequately perform their role, which generates dissatisfaction on the part of patients.
Faced with so many challenges, doctors deserve that October 18th is a date for the recognition of this professional and his importance to society. It is also a time to ask for greater investments in health and the guarantee of adequate working conditions.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "October 18th—Doctor's Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-medico.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.