THE bone marrow donation is a gesture of love and can help many people who have illnesses related to fabrication of blood cells or problems in your immune system, like those that presentleukemias, lymphomas, severe anemia and diseases originating in the immune system in general.
→ What is bone marrow?
Bone marrow is a tissue found inside bones that is commonly known as marrow. In red bone marrow, blood cells are produced.
→ Who can be a bone marrow donor?
To be a bone marrow donor, the individual must meet some basic requirements:
Be between 18 and 55 years of age;
Do not have an infectious or disabling disease;
do not submit cancer, blood disorders or diseases that affect the immune system;
Be healthy.
→ What should I do to become a donor?
Initially it is essential to look for a blood center nearest to get information and fill out some forms with personal information and a consent form. It is necessary to present an identification document.
At the blood center, a small amount of blood from the donor (5 ml to 10 ml) is collected.
This blood is analyzed through the histocompatibility test, which is important to know the genetic characteristics and enable the crossing of data with patients who need bone marrow transplantation.After the exam, all data is saved in the National Registry of Voluntary Bone Marrow Donors (Dome). These data are available and, if there is compatibility, the donor is informed, their willingness to donate is reaffirmed and new tests are performed.
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→ How is bone marrow donation done?
The donation is made in the operating room, and the donor receives the anesthesia, which can be epidural or general. Afterwards punctures are performed to remove the marrow from the interior of the pelvic bones. The procedure lasts, on average, 90 minutes, but requires a one-day hospital stay.
After the donation, for up to three days, the donor may experience some local discomfort, which can be reduced with the use of analgesics. O Donor can resume normal activities after a week and your marrow will be completely restored after 15 days.
It is worth noting that there is also the apheresis method, in which the donor uses, for a few days, drugs to increase his stem cell production, and his blood is collected by the apheresis machine. The machine separates the stem cells and returns the blood elements that are not important in the donation process. This method, unlike the other presented, does not use anesthesia and does not require hospitalization.
Curiosity:Did you know that the chance of a patient finding a compatible marrow is, on average, one in a hundred thousand? Become a donor too and increase the chances of these people! Marrow donation saves lives!
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Bone marrow donation"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.
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