What is edema?

We often read in medical texts about pathologies that cause edema. Although different, this name is used to explain a condition known to many, swelling.

Edema is characterized by an increase in the amount of interstitial fluid in a tissue or in the interior of a cavity. The fluid accumulated in the edema is formed by an aqueous solution of salts and proteins in the blood plasma.

The edema can be widespread, when it occurs throughout the body, or located, when limited to a region. It can occur in any part of our body, being common in the legs and feet region. In some cases, edema can occur in the lungs, liver and brain, being more severe at these times.

an edema may have various causes, such as changes in the wall of a capillary, decreased plasma oncotic pressure, increased hydrostatic blood pressure, sodium retention and decreased lymphatic drainage. Usually these changes occur as a result of the use of medications, the menstrual cycle, the presence of varicose veins, allergies, trauma, long travel, thrombi, heart disease, kidney disease, liver problems, obesity, pregnancy, burns, hospitalization and some types of cancer.

when do they occur changes in the wall of a capillary, such as damage to the endothelium, there can be the passage of water and ions out of the vessel, causing the accumulation of fluid in the interstitium. This occurrence is usually common in cases of acute allergies.

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Edema can also occur as a result of decreased osmotic pressure generated by proteins in plasma. This forces water and ions out of the blood vessel and build up in the space between cells in a tissue. O increase in hydrostatic pressure it is also a factor that causes edema, as it increases the filtration pressure.

THE sodium retention it is also a major factor related to the appearance of edema, as it causes an increase in the amount of fluid outside the blood vessels. In addition decreased lymphatic drainage, usually caused by obstruction of the flow, can generate edema, which, in this case, is called lymphedema.

The edemas can be avoided through some basic measures, such as avoiding staying too long in the same position, reducing the consumption of salt and alcoholic beverages, avoiding very high heels and also high temperatures. In some cases, your doctor may recommend wearing elastic stockings. If swelling occurs due to the use of drugs, drug treatment will normally be discontinued.

It is important to seek medical attention when you notice swelling accompanied by pain, heat, and redness. Also, when it occurs in joints and extremities, help is needed.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "What is edema?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/biologia/o-que-e-edema.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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