Difference between language and language

you know what the difference between language and language? Well, that is the subject of our text today. Come on?

THE language it is the mechanism we use to convey our concepts, ideas and feelings. It is an interaction process. Any set of signs or signs is considered a form of language. already the tongue it is a characteristic verbal code, that is, a set of specific words and combinations shared by a particular group.

Using the example in the image above, we can consider that there are several types of sign languages. When we close our hand with our thumbs up, for example, it can mean that everything is fine. It is worth saying, however, that some people who communicate through gestures add different meanings to this type of body language. This is the case of individuals who communicate in Pounds: Brazilian Sign Language. Libras is considered the natural language of deaf communities and in it a gesture like that of the thumb, added to context, complements the communicative act with more details.

language and language

For a better understanding of the sense of language, we can link the concept to the term language. O language is a code created to facilitate the construction and transmission of a message. THE Portuguese language, for example, is the verbal code most used by Brazilians in the communicative act.

See too:Differences between language, language and dialect

Need to structure the language

The communicative act is essentially committed to understanding. When we are understood by someone, we can say that there is communication, but this can occur in countless ways, such as through behavior, gestures, a look and even through words.

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But to communicate efficiently, it is not enough to know the words of a language, it is necessary to master the combinatorial laws that regulate it. The set of norms that establish standards for writing and speaking a language we call grammar.

Types of Language and Their Variations

THE language Can be verbal, composed essentially of words, and nonverbal, when the interaction takes place through mechanisms other than the written word. With the spread of information technology, the digital language, which uses number combinations to build websites, apps and games online. It is through the evolution of digital language that we can also store, translate and transmit information using computers smartphones and other electronic media.

Spoken language is a verbal language process

Variations of a language/language that oscillate socially, regionally, historically and culturally are called in linguistic variations. The variety of language that gives greater social prestige and is applied in books, scientific articles, newspapers, etc., as well as the only accept in college entrance exams and contests, and the standard variety or cultured norm.
By Katyucha de Oliveira
Graduated in Letters

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OLIVEIRA, Katyucha de. "Difference between language and language"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/portugues/diferenca-entre-lingua-linguagem.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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