Tips on how to improve English listening

Many people, when studying English, do well in writing, reading and can even speak very well, however, when the time comes to understand what the other is talking about, that "white" appears, that complete lack of understanding. If this has already happened to you, don't feel like an inferior person. Trust me: it happens to more people than you think.

Thinking about the difficulty that many Brazilians have in the listening, in other words, the English you hear, whether it's spoken or sung, we've put together some tips to try to help you improve! Stay tuned for every tip! Good studies!

1 – Listen!

The first tip we give you is to listen to the language you want to learn, in this case, English. We live in a country where we will hardly hear anyone talking in English on the street. Therefore, it is extremely important that you look for ways to achieve this. Listening to English will help you understand a lot more and check what you already know of the language. don't underestimate the listening

in your English learning! Often, when we hear a conversation in English, we find that the speakers are talking too fast and we can't keep up. This is because we don't practice the listening in our studies. So, here's the tip: Listen to English!

2 – Choose well what to listen to in English!

In order to have a good result in your study, it is necessary that you make use of good content, because, in this way, in addition to learning fluency, you will also have a good vocabulary. Choosing what to listen to in English to improve your understanding of the language is directly linked to your interests with the language. Like this? You need to set your goals for the English language. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What do I study English for?

  • What is my biggest interest in the language?

  • What is my greatest need for learning?

  • What is most urgent for me to learn?

  • What are my future plans for using English?

  • In what context is English necessary in my life?

After these answers, you will have the key to guide your studies. It is important to delimit your area of ​​interest precisely so that you can search for contextualized conversation audios. For this, it is necessary to look for materials to help you in this process. There are many foreign language textbooks for Brazilians that come with CDs and help a lot; however, they are somewhat robotic. So, to get away from mechanical English, watch movies in English and listen to lots of music to try to hear more natural English.

3 – Don't give up!

When we are watching a movie in English, even those who already speak the language, at certain times, cannot understand something that was said. When this kind of thing happens to you, don't despair, don't lose your temper and don't think you don't know anything in English. Also, don't turn the movie back to hear it again, instead keep watching it, as later scenes will help you better understand what was left behind. Always remember that mistakes we make in English are common even in our own language. What's really important is to stay calm and focused. LISTEN! You need to adapt your auditory sense to that language. If you don't listen, therefore, you will be unable to speak either. Don't underestimate the power of listening to the language to learn it. O listening should be your main ally for good learning and understanding!

I hope it helps! Follow our tips and good studies!

By Janaína Mourão
Graduated in Letters - English

Source: Brazil School -

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