Encceja 2017: Inep modifies exam timetable

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) released last night, September 13, the new timetables for applying the tests of the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encceja).

Know what Encceja is

Check out the study material for Encceja

The reason for the change of schedules is the validity of Daylight Savings Time in some states, which generates a difference of up to three hours in Acre, for example, which would make the beginning of the tests still of dawn.

The opening of the gates and the start of Encceja, in each shift, was postponed by one hour. Check out the new times below, remembering that the schedule follows Brasília time:


Opening of the Gates: 8 am
Closing of the Gates: 8:45 am
Start of Exams: 9 am
End of Exams: 13h


Opening of the Gates: 2:30 pm
Closing of the Gates: 3:15 pm
Start of Exams: 3:30 pm
End of Exams: 8:30 pm

End 2017

Encceja Nacional 2017 will be held on October 22nd. The exam is used for the certification of elementary school and, as of this year, it has been used again for the completion of high school. Between 2009 and 2016, the high school certificate was obtained by the National High School Exam (Enem).

The Encceja of elementary school will have 30 questions about Natural Sciences, History and Geography in the period of morning, and another 30 questions in the afternoon about Portuguese, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education, Math.

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The high school Encceja will have 30 questions on Natural Sciences and its Technologies and Human Sciences and its Technologies, applied in the morning, plus 30 on Languages ​​and Codes and their Technologies and Mathematics and their Technologies during the afternoon.

All participants, regardless of level, will write in the afternoon. This test scores from 0 to 10 and the average required for approval is 5 points.

In objective tests, each area allows the student to reach up to 200 points. To obtain the certificate, the participant needs to achieve an average of 100 points in each.

If the participant obtains the required score in one or more subjects, but does not reach the average in all, simply request the declaration of proficiency. With the document, the student will take the Encceja 2018 only in the areas where he/she needs to reach the necessary grade.

Requests for certificates and statements of proficiency must be made at the Education Departments and institutions associated with Inep for the issuance of the Encceja document.

Encceja Balance

In Encceja 2017 of elementary school, the predominance is participants between 31 and 40 years old. 301,583 registrations were registered for certification at this school level.

As for Encceja in high school, the largest number of applications came from young people aged 23 to 30 years. Inep registered 1,272,279 registered participants.

More information at Encceja website and in the Brazil School article.

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