Chlorine gas electrolysis

We know that Electrolysis is any non-spontaneous chemical process caused by an electric current, what about aqueous Electrolysis? This is the passage of electric current through a conductive liquid, in this case this liquid is water.
The electrolysis of chlorine gas (Cl2) is very useful, as it is used in the production of chlorinated organic compounds and bleaches, and also for the treatment of drinking water and swimming pools.
The curious thing is that many people think that the chlorine used to disinfect water is in its natural state (gaseous), that is, the way it is found in nature. If so, would a gas be released into the pool to kill the microorganisms? None of this, the chlorine used in this function is in a liquid state, now see the process that allows you to transform gaseous chlorine into liquid chlorine:
Cl2 + H2O ↔ HCl + HClO

This reaction is the reaction of Cl2 in the gaseous state with water.

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Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Chlorine gas electrolysis"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

Electrolysis concept

Electrolysis, electrolyte solutions, electric current, oxidation-reduction reactions, spontaneous chemical process, chemical process non-spontaneous, transformer, artificial transformation, industries, alkali metals, alkaline earth, hydrogen gas, gas cl

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