Difference between weather and climate

It is common to see the use of the terms “weather” and “climate” to designate the same atmospheric state. Weather and climate are elements that complement each other in the description of the atmospheric environment. These concepts, however, refer to different conditions in the environment, and using them interchangeably is a mistake.

Difference between weather and climate

Weather is the momentary state of atmospheric conditions.
Weather is the momentary state of atmospheric conditions.

Time is the state momentary of the atmospheric or meteorological conditions of a given place, at a given time and is subject to variations. When someone asks, “How is the weather today?”, they want to know if it's cold or hot, dry or wet, rainy or sunny. Time is, therefore, the current condition of the atmosphere, which can change from one instant to another.

Temperature variations, relative humidity, rainfall are responsible for the dynamism of weather conditions, therefore, of the weather. These variations may or may not be accentuated, depending on the time of year. There are months when the rains are more constant, others when there is no rain. There are months when temperatures are at their highest, and others when they drop.

Main elements of time

→ Temperature;

→ Air humidity;

→ Rain;

→ Wind.

Climate it's a condition lasting of the atmospheric environment and is equivalent to the set of the most common types of times in a given place over a period of approximately 30 years. Therefore, it represents a general pattern of meteorological conditions (annual variations in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, winds), which change according to the seasons of the year. When someone says that Tocantins is a very hot and dry state, they are referring to the climate of that state, which is dry tropical. However, over the days, Tocantins can present a variety of times.

Jalapão State Park, located in Tocantins, a state that has a dry tropical climate and high temperatures most of the year.
Jalapão State Park, located in Tocantins, a state that has a dry tropical climate and high temperatures most of the year.

The weather is influenced by climatic elements and factors, which make the atmosphere have different characteristics depending on the location in the world. For this reason, there are several types of climates.

Main climate factors

→ Latitude;

→ Altitude;

→ Maritimeity and continentality;

→ air masses;

→ Ocean currents;

→ Geographic location.

Main elements of the climate

→ Radiation;

→ Temperature;

→ Atmospheric pressure;

→ Air humidity.

Know more: What are the main types of weather
By Rafaela Sousa
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/diferenca-entre-tempo-clima.htm

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