Several chemical elements were discovered after the assembly of the Periodic table by Dimitri Mendeleev in the 19th century and the organization proposed by Moseley in the 20th century. At the end of 2016, the names of new elements of the Periodic Table, which had been added in early 2016.
These four new chemical elements share several characteristics, namely:
They don't exist in nature;
They are artificial;
They are radioactive;
They are unstable;
They have a short lifespan due to the radioactive decay they undergo.
It is noteworthy that the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has been establishing rules for the application of names for new chemical elements, that is, the element only receives the name it authorizes.
The new elements added to the table in 2016 completed the seventh period and were called as follows:
Ununtrium (Z=113)
Ununpentium (Z=115)
Ununseptium (Z=117)
Ununoctium (Z=118)
Now, each of them received a name, which was recognized by IUPAC:
a) Nihonium (original name: Nihonium)
The name nihônio was given to the element of atomic number 113, which was discovered in Riken's laboratory in Japan. The name suggested by the group was Nihonium, in reference to the word Nihon, which means Japan or land of the rising sun, thus being a tribute to the country in which it was discovered.
Nihonium belongs to the boron family (family IIIA or group 13) and is a metal, as are most of the elements in the group. See the electronic distribution of this element:

Its valence shell has two electrons in the s sublevel and 1 electron in the p sublevel.
b) Muscovy (original name: Moscovium)
The name Muscovy was given to the element with atomic number 115 because it was discovered at the nuclear research institute in Dubna (Russia), a city near the capital. Moscow. This element was discovered in collaboration with researchers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Vanderbilt University and the University of Knoxville, in the state of Tennessee (United States).
This chemical element belongs to the nitrogen family (VA family or group 15). See your electronic distribution:

Its valence shell has two electrons in the s sublevel and three electrons in the p sublevel.
c) Tennessino (original name: Tennessine)
The name Tennessee was given to the element of atomic number 117 because it was discovered in the state of Tennessse, in a work between researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Vanderbilt University and the University of Knoxville, as well as researchers from the Nuclear Research Institute of Dubna (Russia).
It is a chemical element that belongs to the family of halogens and is therefore a nonmetal. See the electronic distribution of this element:

Its valence shell has two electrons in the s sublevel and five electrons in the p sublevel.
d) Oganessono (original name: Oganosesson)
The name Oganosseno was proposed by researchers at the Dubna Nuclear Research Institute and Lawrence National Laboratory Livermore, United States, in honor of researcher and professor Yuri Oganessian, who pioneered the study of elements transactinoids.
NOTE: Transactinoid elements are those that have an atomic number greater than that of actinides, that is, greater than 103.
Oganosene belongs to the family of noble gases. See your electronic distribution:

Its valence shell has two electrons in the s sublevel and six electrons in the p sublevel.
By Me. Diogo Lopes Dias
Source: Brazil School -