Writing a good essay can be a big challenge for most people, especially for those who aren't very good at words. Writing a text may seem like a complicated task, but there are some writing techniques that they facilitate the daily lives of those who need to train to do well at school, at Enem and elsewhere college entrance exams.
Being efficient with writing can be a facilitator in professional life, after all, those who communicate well are more likely to succeed. In order to help you to walk more calmly through the universe of the Portuguese language, Brasil Escola has prepared the step-by-step instructions for writing a good essay. Enjoy ours well tips and good studies!
Step by step to write a good essay:
1. Read the proposal carefully: It may seem like a simple tip, but if everyone really paid attention to the proposal, certainly the number of writings zeroed in Enem, for example, would be much smaller. This is a failure that disqualifies many candidates, especially the rushed ones who do not read the proposal properly and end up running away from the topic. Read, reread, enjoy the collection of texts (if any) and considerably reduce the chances of missing the narrative focus or creating something that the teacher – or the panel – did not request;
2. Make a work plan: Making a work plan is a bit like drafting ideas. Remember that it must be short, clear and to the point. If you choose a narration, for example, define in the work plan its main elements, such as characters, plot, space and time. If it is a dissertation, think about the ideas and arguments that will be defended throughout the text;
Follow the step by step: read the proposal carefully; make a work plan; write text; fix it; give the title and clean the essay!
3. Write the text: Trust me, you won't waste time taking a few minutes to think about the proposal and make a work plan before you actually start dedicating yourself to writing the text, on the contrary, these tips will guide and facilitate your work. At this stage, just worry about letting the ideas flow, don't worry about correcting the writing or the ideas;
4. Correct your text: Now it's time to reread the text and see what can be improved. First stick to textual coherence, that is, keep an eye on the ideas or plot of your text. Were these elements well developed? Do they make sense? Are they clear and easy for the reader to understand? If so, go to the next step, which is correcting spelling, punctuation, and cohesion. check if there is not repetitions in the text and, if this failure has occurred, make substitutions through pronominalization or through synonyms, hyperonyms and hyponyms;
5. Put the title: Always remember that the title is the last thing you should worry about, after all, if you do this before the text is ready, the chances of it not being consistent with the wording will be huge. During the writing process, new ideas emerge, so it is more appropriate to leave the title for the end. Your title should be interesting so that the reader will feel invited to read your essay and, for it to be interesting, it should not be too short or give too many clues about the content of the text.
6. Clear the text: After all these steps, it's time to clear the text. We know that you don't always have time to make a draft and then rewrite the text, but whenever possible, follow this tip. Take care of the letter, as an illegible letter makes it impossible or difficult to read (remember that not all people are willing to decipher the unknowns), taking away all their effort to write good.
By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/passo-passo-para-escrever-uma-boa-redacao.htm