After the Chechnya offensives, the then Russian governor Vladmir Putin gave orders to attack Chechnya's capital, Grozny, with several aerial bombers, destroying much of the capital.
From then on, the two nations engaged in a bloody confrontation, with attacks on one side and counterattacks on the other, an example of which was the occupation of a Russian theater, with a casualty toll of 150 people in 2003, and again the Russians bombed possible Chechen hideouts in the mountains.

But the worst was to come, in 2004 between 2 and 4 September, a Municipal School in the Russian city of Beslam was occupied by about 30 guerrillas where the vast majority of children were present, the guerrillas stayed for three days at school, the outcome was terrible, as the Chechens shot 330 people, mostly children, hospitals treated about 700 people with various types of injury.

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This action moved people internationally because of the scale of the cruelty, and in the Russian people it unleashed an enormous sense of revenge.
Russia has, to this day, been facing several impasses to put an end to this conflict, such as issues territorial, economic, cultural, religious, organized crime, not counting geopolitical factors faced.
20th century - wars - Brazil School
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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "II War of Chechnya"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.