Physiology: what is it, human and plant physiology

THE Physiology is the branch of Biology dedicated to understanding the functioning of an organism, being responsible for unraveling all the physical and chemical processes involved in the maintenance of life. Studying the physiology of living beings is extremely important, as it is not enough to know, for example, which organs make up an organism, it is essential to understand its entire functioning and the activities developed by each of these structures.

To understand Physiology it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of several areas of Biology, such as THEnatomy, Morphology, Cell biology, Biochemistry, ANDecology and Biophysics. This is necessary, as all these areas are interconnected, and the functioning of an organism is related to processes that occur at various levels of organization.

In Physiology, we study how the organism works. Blood circulation is one of the topics covered in this area.
In Physiology, we study how the organism works. Blood circulation is one of the topics covered in this area.

Human physiology

THE human physiology is concerned with understanding how the Human Body

, thus integrating chemical, physical and, of course, anatomical knowledge. This area studies from the cells to the systems that make up the body. Among the processes studied in this area, we can mention the digestion, excretion, circulation and the breathing.

In human physiology, the functioning of the human body is studied.
In human physiology, the functioning of the human body is studied.

When we understand human physiology, we understand the correct functioning of the organism and, with that, it becomes easier to understand changes in this functioning and create methods that make the body return to balance. We can therefore conclude that this area is extremely important in the field of medicine.

Also read the text Human Body to learn more about the cells, tissues, organs and systems that make up our bodies.

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plant physiology

THE plant physiology is the part of botany which studies all the processes that occur in a vegetable, thus allowing an understanding of how plants work. In this area, all chemical and physical events that occur in the plant are analyzed and ensure its growth and development.

Photosynthesis is one of the topics covered in plant physiology.
Photosynthesis is one of the topics covered in plant physiology.

Among the phenomena studied in plant physiology, we can highlight the photosynthesis, breathing, action of plant hormones, movement of water and nutrients by the plant's body and the vegetable movements.

Read too:botanical concepts

History of Physiology

The study of physiology began in Greece around 2500 years ago. The term physiology comes from the Greek words phisis and logos, which together literally mean “knowledge of nature”.

One of the most influential figures in the field of ancient physiology was Claudius Galen (129-200 d. C.), a doctor known for treating gladiators. Galen carried out several works with animals and followed a doctrine known as “four moods”. This doctrine was based on the idea that the body was formed by four different fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. According to this doctor, the heart, liver and brain were the main organs of the human body.

Another figure that deserves to be highlighted is Andreas Versalius (1514-1564), who published, in 1543, the work entitled Humani Corporis Factory. This work became known as a major milestone both in the study of anatomy and in modern physiology, initiating a new way of understanding how the body works.

Another study that deserves to be highlighted is that of William Harvey (1578-1657). He proposed the theory that blood circulated throughout the body thanks to the pumping guaranteed by the heart. Until that moment, the most accepted theory stated that the blood it was constantly produced, not that it circulated through the body. Harvey's work, without a doubt, was fundamental to the understanding of several other physiological processes.

The greatest advance in this area of ​​Biology took place, however, throughout the nineteenth century, especially in Germany and France. At that time, there was an understanding of cell theory and the development of experimental physiology. In the latter case, we must highlight the works of Claude Bernard, which is considered the father of contemporary experimental physiology and highlighted the importance of experimentation.

In the 20th century, several processes were unveiled, and the understanding of biochemistry and molecular biology was fundamental for the deepening of knowledge in physiology. With technological advances, this area continues to grow and many processes will still be understood.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

In the history of the study of Physiology, we know that several people were essential to the development of this branch of Biology. One of the most influential was a doctor who treated gladiators and said that the body was made up of four fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Review the following alternatives and mark the name of this important physician:

Today we all know that blood circulates through the body thanks to the pumping of the heart, however, before, it was accepted the idea that blood was constantly produced by the body. The researcher who first proposed this idea of ​​pumping blood through the heart was

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