Difference between fruit and fruit

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Many people do not know the difference between the terms fruit and fruit. Fruit is a popular term, and fruit is a botanical term, so they are used in different situations. But, after all, what is a fruit and a fruit?
What is fruit?

we give the name of fruit to the structure produced by angiosperm plants that corresponds to the ovary or to a group of developed ovaries. Fruits are of great importance to these plants, as they guarantee the seed protection and help in the process of dispersal.

Fruits can be classified into simple, aggregated and multiple.simple fruit is the one formed by a carpel (reproductive organ of the flower, formed by the stigma, stylet and ovary) or several carpels joined together. Aggregate fruit is one formed by several free carpels of a flower. already the multiple fruits are those that originate from a set of ovaries of a set of flowers, that is, they are derived from a inflorescence.

Examples of fruits are: avocado, cucumber, grape, orange, pumpkin, tomato, passion fruit, grape, lemon, eggplant, pepper, kiwi and peach.

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Eggplant is an example of a fruit

What is fruit?

As stated earlier, the term fruit is a popular expression. It is used to identify fruits that normally have sweet taste and they are edibles.As an example, we can cite avocado, banana, guava, pineapple, acerola, plum, blackberry and orange.

Although the apple is a fruit, it is not a real fruit.

Given these definitions, many people claim that every fruit is a fruit, but not every fruit is a fruit. However, we can't generalize, because fruits like apples, cashews and strawberries, in reality, are not real fruits, they are aaccessory fruit, also known as pseudofruit.In this case, we have a fruit whose fleshy part is derived, in large part or completely, from tissues that are not of the ovary.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Difference between fruit and fruit"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/diferenca-entre-fruto-fruta.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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