Scientific Article: what is it and definition of a scientific article

Scientific article is an academic publication of declared authorship that presents and discusses results, ideas, methods, techniques and processes produced in a given scientific research produced by the various areas of the knowledge.

Usually, the scientific article can be the synthesis of the results of academic works of greater proportion or it can replace theses and dissertations, in the evaluation processes of completion of courses in Education Higher. In these cases, it must be produced under the assistance of a teacher advisor.

The scientific article can also be of original production, which addresses methods of experience and observation of an object of study, such as case reports, communication, among others. Review articles, on the other hand, propose the discussion and analysis of previously published works.

The production process of the scientific article consists of a set of scientific methods, which constitute also from research done from a variety of sources, so that it can be evaluated and accepted by the community of researchers. After approval, they can be published in specialized magazines or periodicals that allow the reader to repeat the experience.

Structure of the scientific article

To prepare a scientific article, the organization and structure of the research must be taken into account. They have the same structure as other scientific works: pre-textual, textual and post-textual elements. All elements must be written according to the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).

Pre-textual elements

The pre-text elements must include the authorship it's the article title clearly, properly identified by the institution, a brief curriculum and contact address, which must appear in a footnote. There should also be a brief abstract of the search in the language of the text, followed by the key words of importance for research.

textual elements

The textual elements comprise the introduction, development and conclusion of the article.

At introduction, the research objectives and the work methods used for data analysis should be briefly mentioned, so that the reader can have an overview of the topic addressed.

O development is the most extensive and main part of the article. It must present all the theoretical foundation, the adopted methodology, the results and the discussion.

THE conclusion must answer the research questions, corresponding to the objectives of the article. They can be brief, presenting recommendations and suggestions for future work.

Post-textual elements

In the post-textual elements, additional information from the article, such as the references, the title, subtitle and abstract in the specified foreign languages ​​and explanatory notes. There are also optional elements such as glossaries, appendices and appendices.

See too:

  • meaning of article
  • How to make the methodology for the TCC
  • meaning of scientific method
  • What is scientific methodology
  • What is the scientific text
  • Example of scientific article formatting according to ABNT standards
  • What is scientific research
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