Ionizing Radiation Protection

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Ionizing radiation has the power to ionize, that is, to remove electrons from the electrosphere, making them chemically active molecules. If a DNA molecule is irradiated by gamma radiation (gamma radiation ionizes), there is the possibility of destructuring this molecule, making the cell that has it genetically altered; consequently, the future cells that will be generated from it will also be mutants.
Cells that have been genetically altered can cause somatic biological (cancer, anemia...) and hereditary (down syndrome, albinism) effects.
Exposure of people to ionizing radiation bands (ultraviolet - x-rays - gamma rays - alpha particles - beta particles and neutrons) must occur under plausible justifications, the parties (of people) that do not need to receive radiation must be protected.
The means of protection are determined through three pillars: distance, exposure time and shielding.
• As the individual moves away from sources that emit radiation, the intensity of the energy carried by them decreases with the square of the distance.

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• The radiation dose received is directly proportional to the time of exposure to the emitting source.
• The imposition of barriers between the individual and the source emitting radiation causes the emitted beam to reach him attenuated (less intense).
Some radiological protection devices will be shown in the following figures:

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Protection barrier imposed between source and individual

The distance between individual and source reduces the intensity of the beam that reaches it

The longer the exposure time to the radiation source, the higher the dose

The use of ionizing radiation has several purposes. The effects caused by it can be controlled and avoided through radiological protection.

By Frederico Borges de Almeida
Graduated in Physics
Brazil School Team

Electromagnetism - Physics - Brazil School

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ALMEIDA, Frederico Borges de. "Protection Against Ionizing Radiation"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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