Botulism: cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Botulism is a bacterial infection that causes severe intoxication caused by toxins in the Clostridium botulinum types A, B, E and, on rare occasions, by type F.

The main way to acquire the disease is through the ingestion of its spores. These are found in the soil, in agricultural products such as honey and smoked products; and in fish and other marine organisms. In addition, canned food, in glass or vacuum-packed, canned food and sausages are also local where these spores can be found, especially if prepared under hygienic conditions precarious. This is because such environments are usually poor in oxygen, being a good place for the incidence of this anaerobic bacillus.

The onset of symptoms can vary from a few hours to just over a week after ingesting the spores. Dizziness, double vision, dry mouth, aversion to light, drooping eyelid, and difficulty urinating and evacuating are the main ones. Depending on the amount of spores ingested, difficulties in speaking, swallowing and moving can manifest themselves; as well as paralysis of the respiratory muscles, which is often fatal. In addition, there is a risk that the patient will develop pneumonia, which can also lead to death.

As for the diagnosis, it is made by analyzing the symptoms and food history of the previous days. Specific tests that indicate the presence of the toxin in the body - and/or in suspected ingested foods - may be required, aiming at confirming the diagnosis in cases where it is inconclusive after the two procedures mentioned are performed.
The treatment is usually done with the application of anti-botulinum serum and, not rarely, it is necessary that the affected person be hospitalized, so that they can be kept under observation. Antibiotics are not effective in this case.
Considering the problems and risks related to infection by the spores of the Clostridium botulinum, it is important to adopt some measures with the purpose of prevention:
- Do not purchase or ingest foods whose cans or lids are swollen or rusty;
- Do not purchase or ingest foods whose liquid content is cloudy;
- Do not purchase or ingest food whose glass is cloudy;
- Only consume honey of known origin;
- Boil canned foods before consumption, especially heart of palm, as this is one of the foods more related to cases of botulism (the toxin is destroyed at a temperature of 65 to 80º C for 30 minutes; or at 100 º C for 5 minutes).

Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education

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