Tiger (Panthera tigris)

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Kingdom animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order carnivora
Family Felidae
Gender panthera
Species tiger panther

Tigers are carnivorous animals belonging to the genus Panthera, such as lions and jaguars. They are animals that can reach two and a half meters in length, one meter in height, and the tail can present itself with a meter or more. As for weight, there are individuals over 300 kilos.

The coat color varies between light yellow and brown, with black or lighter streaks. Some individuals may have white fur, even golden, but they are not different species.

They are very strong, agile and excellent jumpers, with very refined hearing. In addition, they have very sharp claws and teeth, helping in hunting and defense. They are able to eat up to 45 kilos of meat in a single meal; and, in one year, the total balance of prey is around 50 individuals. It approaches the prey silently, then intercepts them. With one kick, they can knock them over, bite their necks and be able to drag them for many meters.

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The average life expectancy of these animals is around twenty years. Males live less than females, as many lose their lives as a result of disputes with other males, usually in defense of territory.

They can have one to four puppies, which will accompany their mother until they are three years old. The gestation period is three months and a few days. Being solitary animals, they unite only in the reproductive season, which begins around four years of age; or when females are in the parental care phase. For male attraction, they emit specific roars, and there are often courtship rituals.

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Tigers avoid contact with humans, attacking them only when food is not available, or when they are very old and sick, as other prey are faster. On the other hand, human interventions, especially with regard to indiscriminate hunting and habitat loss, have caused that at present three subspecies are extinct, two critically endangered and four in danger:

Altaic Tigris Panthera - Siberian tiger - in danger
Panthera tigris amoyensis - chinese tiger - critically endangered
panthera tigris balica - Bali tiger - extinct
panthera tigris corbetti - Indochinese tiger - in danger
panthera tigris jacksoni - malaysian tiger - in danger
Panthera tigris probe - java tiger - extinct
panthera tigris sumatrae - Sumatran Tiger - Critically Endangered
panthera tigris tigris - bengal tiger - in danger
panthera tigris virgata - Caspian tiger - extinct

Each individual has a unique pattern of stripes on their face and body.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Tiger (Panthera tigris)"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/animais/tigre.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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