Extractive activity. Types of extractive activity

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Extractive activity consists of extracting or removing natural resources in their original form for profit or simply for subsistence. Extractive activity is divided into three distinct types: plant, animal and mineral extraction.

The activity of plant extraction is linked to the extraction of products or by-products from plants, such as saps, leaves, herbs, wood, fruits, trunk bark, among others. This type of activity is widespread in Brazil, especially in the northern region, in the Amazon rainforest. extracted from wood, Brazil nuts, rubber latex, açaí and many others, in addition to the northeast that extracts carnauba and babassu.

The animal extractive activity performs fishing and hunting, such procedures in wild animals such as alligators, jaguars, monkeys and birds are protected by federal law, yet it is still a practice that occurs frequently and illegal. Fishing is not an illegal activity and its exploitation is relatively modest, since the country has great wealth in coastlines and rivers. This is explained by the fact that the low consumption of fish in the country, which is approximately 6.4 kilograms per inhabitant in a period of one year, in Japan consumption is 52 kilograms per person per year.

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The mineral extractive activity extracts or removes resources of mineral origin, these are found underground, in this modality, the execution is called garimpo, as it is developed in a traditional way with equipment rudimentary. In Brazilian territory, this activity takes place on the banks of rivers and streams, especially in the north and Midwest, where precious stones such as gold, diamonds, emerald and others are commonly extracted. ores.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/atividade-extrativista.htm


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