How to get a good grade in the essay?

Do you want to get good grades in essays? Be it at school, college entrance exams or any other contest? It's simple: just be aware of the issues that brokers take into account! And to know if everything is right, the writer himself has to worry about reviewing his text, before passing it on to the proofreader!
See the main aspects that need to be revised:
As for the form:
the legible handwriting: illegible handwriting is an obstacle to reading. It is important to remember that “ugly handwriting” is not synonymous with illegible handwriting, since there may be letters that are not very well drawn, but which, however, are easily read.
Margins and paragraphs: The writing must go to the margin (end of the line), usually established by a vertical dash to the right of the notebook sheet. Paragraphs must start with a spacing!
As for grammar:
Accentuation: Make sure you accentuate all the words correctly!
Punctuation: Review the commas in your text; they are usually needed when there is more than one verb or when you want to explain something said earlier. Do not extend periods as this makes the text confusing, use the period!

Verbal agreement: Concorde verb with subject; if this is plural, the verb will be plural. When in doubt, return to the subject of prayer.
As for stylistics:
Sentences: They must be clear and precise: not too short, causing a lack of information, not too long because it makes the paragraphs confused!
Repetition: Words should not be repeated, after all, synonyms exist to be used. Furthermore, repeated terms or ideas impoverish the text and make it monotonous.
coherence and cohesion: If you start by defending a point of view, persist until the end. Never put contradictory elements in your text. It is also important to link the arguments, using cohesive elements such as: then, but, yet, however. Don't put “concluding” or “ending” in the conclusion, because these are obvious terms!
As for the structure:
Dissertation: This text requires an introduction, development and conclusion. The introduction points out the specific subject to be addressed; the development must present true arguments, proven through examples, in addition, the author must have a critical and reflective view of the facts, in order to persuade the reader; the conclusion resumes what was said in a very summarized form (one paragraph), in order to reinforce what was exposed and also proposes a solution to the analyzed problem.
Narration: The character must experience a conflict; the character's actions, thoughts, feelings must be connected to this problem in some way. The character's physical and psychological characteristics must be selected according to the conflict faced. The end of the story must propose the outcome of the problem faced by the character.
Reread your text and always make this review script and then you will see that your grade, from aspect to aspect evaluated, will be higher than before!

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By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

VILARINHO, Sabrina. "How to get a good grade in the essay? "; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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