Brazilian HDI: Life Expectancy. life expectancy in Brazil

The United Nations (UN), in 1990, created a new method called HDI - Human Development Index, which corresponds to analyzes of the living conditions of a population.

In this context, one of the social indicators that reflect a population's good living conditions is the Life expectancy, that is, the average number of years that the population of a given country expects to live, but it can also be analyzed at more specific levels, that of a municipality, for example.

According to the life expectancy of a population, people's quality of life can be known. This is evident because a society that has good income, knowledge acquisition, environmental sanitation, quality health and housing tends to have a longer life expectancy.

According to data from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) for 2009, the hope of life or Life expectancy of Brazilians is, on average, 72.8 years, this average varies according to sex, the average life span of women is 76.7 years and that of men is 69.1.

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Life expectancy in Brazil is going through a period of constant rise, however, it is surpassed in relation to the central countries, Japan has an average of 82.5 years; France, 81.5; Switzerland, 81.5; Sweden, 81 years old. Brazil is surpassed even by less economically developed countries, such as Argentina, 75 years old.

THE Life expectancy it can vary according to social class, that is, the better the income, the greater the hope of life, while the low-income class has much lower rates compared to the high-powered purchasing.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Brazilian HDI: Life Expectancy"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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