The contamination of people through contaminated food is a constant concern in every country in the world. Many microorganisms present in some foods cause the appearance of food poisoning, but unfortunately these foods do not present changes in their smell, taste or appearance. The main biological agents capable of contaminating water and food, in addition to causing countless diseases to men, are viruses, bacteria, protozoa, worms, fungi and microbial toxins.
Bacteria are the microorganisms that most cause food poisoning, and among them we can mention Salmonella sp,Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium prefringes, Campylobacter sp, E. coli, with the last two bacteria being the main cause of diarrhea in humans. Botulism is a bacterial disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Clostridium, which causes food poisoning and affects the nervous system, which can lead to death.
Food contamination can occur through inappropriate preparation, storage or handling food and in the environment where it is produced, and most microorganisms can be destroyed
through good hygiene and manufacturing practices and proper handling and storage practices.Many people are unaware, but the simple fact of cutting a raw meat and then using the same knife, unwashed, to cut a roasted meat can generate several health risks. This is because raw meats and vegetables that have not yet been sanitized have numerous disease-causing microorganisms that can be transmitted to ready-made foods. "This type of contamination can happen through the transfer of microorganisms from a food or surface, through utensils, equipment or the handler's own”, explains Maria Cecilia Brito, director of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). When the contamination of some food occurs in this way, it is called cross contamination.
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The best way to avoid food contamination is to follow some basic rules when handling, preparing and storing these foods.
► Wash your hands very well before handling any type of food;
► Wash your hands and utensils very well when handling different foods, to avoid cross contamination;
► Wash fruits and vegetables very well under running water and soak them in water with sodium hypochlorite;
► Do not freeze foods that have already been thawed;
► Always thaw food inside the refrigerator;
► All food, inside or outside the refrigerator, must be in closed containers with a lid or covered with transparent plastic;
► Avoid undercooked meat;
► Avoid eating eggs in which the yolk is raw;
► Avoid using raw eggs in recipes;
► Keep the refrigerator temperature below four degrees, while the freezer should be between minus twelve and fifteen degrees;
► Avoid eating raw foods such as oysters and shellfish;
► Avoid eating at beach or street stalls, places where you don't know the hygiene conditions, and you don't know how long that food was out of the refrigerator.
By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology
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MORAES, Paula Louredo. "Food contamination"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
health at school
Learn valuable tips to avoid food poisoning, a problem that affects many people and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness and even dehydration. By adopting simple hygiene measures in your daily life, you can prevent this form of contamination by substances or microorganisms.