Capacitor association: types, formulas and exercises

THE Associationincapacitors it's a way to organize the capacitors connecting them so that their total capacitance changes to higher values or minors. When we associate capacitors in series, yours capacitance is given by product by sum ratio, when associated in parallel, its capacitances add up.


Capacitors are electronic devices quite simple, used for the cargo storage. When a potential difference is applied between the terminals of a capacitor, electrical charges are accumulated among your armor. Capacitors are widely used in electronic devices to supply them with large amounts of electrical charges. To learn more about this subject, read our text: What is a capacitor?

In the figure, we have a conductive parallel plate capacitor.
In the figure, we have a conductive parallel plate capacitor.


capacitance and the greatness physics that measures the amount of loads that a capacitor can store for a given potential difference. The unit of measurement of capacitance, in the SI, is the Farad (F).

THE formula used to calculate the capacitance is shown in the following figure, check it out:

— capacitance (F)

Q — stored charge (C)

U — electric potential (V)

For the capacitors of parallel plates, one of the simplest types of capacitors, it is possible to determine its capacitance using a formula that relates its area and the distance between your plates, check out:

— capacitor plate area

d — distance between capacitor plates

ε0 — electrical permittivity of vacuum

Lookalso:Electric circuits

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Association of series capacitors

At association of capacitors in series, we connect two or more capacitors on the same branch (wire) of a circuit, so that the electrical charges stored in the armatures of each capacitor are equals. In this type of association, the armature of the capacitor that is charged with a positive charge is on to the negatively charged armature of the next capacitor. In the association of series capacitors, the equivalent capacitance is determined by product divided by the sum of the individual capacitances.


To calculate the capacitance of the N capacitors associated in series, through the following equation, it is necessary to solve the MMC among the denominators, note:

eq — equivalent capacitance

Ç1, Ç2, ÇN— capacitances of associated capacitors

However, if we want to calculate the equivalent capacitance for the association between only two capacitors, we can use a facilitating feature:

The formula should only be used for two capacitors at a time.
The formula should only be used for two capacitors at a time.

Know more:electrostatics

Association of capacitors in parallel

At association of capacitors in parallel, O electric potential é equal for all capacitors. In this type of association, they connect two or more capacitors in different branches of a circuit, so that these branches are connected by a single knot. In the association of capacitors in parallel, the equivalent capacitance is calculated by sum of individual capacitances.


To calculate the equivalent capacitance of associated capacitors in parallel, just add their individual capacitances, as shown in the formula:

Lookalso:What is a dielectric?

Mixed capacitor association

The mixed association of capacitors is characterized by the using serial connections and in parallel on a same circuit. To determine the equivalent capacitance of capacitors connected in this type of association, we must solve, first, the association in series, and later, the association in parallel.

solved exercises

1) Three capacitors with capacitances equal to 2.0 μF, 3.0 μF and 1.0 μF are associated in parallel. Determine the equivalent capacitance of this association and check the correct alternative:

a) 12 µF

b) 7.5 μF

c) 2.0 μF

d) 1.2 μF

e) 6.0 μF


To calculate the equivalent capacitance of the parallel association, we use the sum of the individual capacitances:

Template: Letter e

2) Two capacitors, with capacitances equal to 8.0 µF and 2.0 µF, are connected in series. Determine the equivalent capacitance of this association and check the correct alternative:

a) 1.6 μF

b) 2.0 μF

c) 4.0 μF

d) 6.0 µF

e) 12.0 μF


As we want to calculate the equivalent capacitance of two capacitors connected in parallel, we can use the product by the sum of the individual capacitances, note:

Template: Letter a
By Me. Rafael Helerbrock

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HELERBROCK, Rafael. "Association of Capacitors"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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