South African Cuisine

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Like every country, South Africa also has its own cuisine, based on red meat, in addition to exotic foods.

At a social event called braai, you can eat grilled meat, but these are never prepared by women. The men gather around the braziers and the women are responsible for preparing the salads and desserts.

South African cuisine has been strongly influenced by indigenous cultures, specifically the Khoisan, Xhosa and Sotho tribes. The sweet named Koeksisters is traditional in the country, being from these peoples, often served as dessert; it is simple in appearance, commonly served at informal events, it can be found easily.

South African food also received, in colonial times, British food influences, through slaves who worked for English families.

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Slaves, deprived of their freedom, had to adapt their African ethnic recipes to the ingredients they had, including them in the way of preparing food.

The country received influences from Arab cuisine, in the Middle Ages, these customs were also taken through the slaves, who took several recipes with them.

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Like exotic foods, they eat fried crickets, but nowadays South African cuisine is recognized for its uniqueness and flavor, copied in many countries around the world.

With influences from various cultures, South African cuisine has become a true melting pot of ideas and flavors. Their recipes range from meats, breads, sweets, pies, sausages, skewers and colored rice.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy

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BARROS, Jussara de. "Cuisine of South Africa"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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