Body Care During Carnival

Taking care of the body during carnival must be part of every reveler's preparation. The several days of agitation should be enjoyed, therefore, in moderation, with bodily care being essential for avoid health problems such as dehydration, food poisoning, allergies, heat stroke and contamination by illnesses.

Read too: Carnival in Brazil

Here are some tips to enjoy carnival responsibly and in a healthy way.

Body care during carnival

  • take care of hydration

Carnival and Hydration
During the revelry. It's important to remember to hydrate yourself. Remember to drink water and natural juices.

The Brazilian Carnival is a party that takes place in the summer of our country, and therefore, during this period, high temperatures are common. In addition, the gathering of people in these celebrations favors that the environment becomes warmer. We cannot forget that, during Carnival, revelers dance a lot, and with that, there is great loss of sweat. There is also a large intake of alcoholic beverages, which are related to the inhibition of antidiuretic hormone, thus increasing the diuresis (elimination of urine).

Faced with so many factors that can contribute to exaggerated water loss, it is essential to ensure a correct hydration to avoid dehydration. Therefore, it is recommended that a large amount of water be consumed, as well as natural juices and coconut water.

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  • beware of food

During Carnival, remember to eat well, however, don't forget to pay attention to the places where you will buy your food. Always check that the product looks good and is properly packaged. Also check the hygiene habits of the person who sells the product and pay attention to your hygiene, always remembering to wash your hands before eating. Also, don't forget to give preference to light foods, avoiding fried foods and foods high in fat.

Read too: Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning

  • be careful with makeup

carnival makeup
At Carnival, it is also important to pay attention to the makeup used.

Many people like to enjoy Carnival to abusing makeup, however, it's good to be careful. The first one is to see if the makeup is causing any burning or itching. This can be a sign of irritation or an allergy, being recommended, in these cases, to completely remove the used cosmetic.

O glitter also poses a problem, because, if it falls in the eyes, it can trigger serious injuries and even, vision loss. If the glitter gets in the eyes, the ideal is to use water, serum or eye lubricants to remove the product. If you are unable to properly clean using these products, a physician should be consulted. It is important to highlight that scratching eyes can damage them.

Another important point to be highlighted is the fact that we shouldn't share makeup. That's because these products can be a means of disease transmission. Products used in the eyes, for example, can be a means of transmitting the conjunctivitis.

  • do not abuse alcohol

carnival and drink
Alcoholic beverages can trigger several changes in the body, moderation is essential.

As we all know, alcohol consumption is common at these times of the year. However, it is essential to avoid excesses. Among the short-term negative effects of alcohol, we can mention: behavior change, impulsive behavior that can trigger risky behavior, loss of balance, reduced ability to react to some stimulus, reduced motor coordination, nausea, vomiting and pain head. It is worth noting that, in very high doses, the alcoholcan lead to coma.

Read too:Risks of alcohol consumption

Consequently, alcoholic beverages should be consumed in moderation. It is important to emphasize that drinking reduces the person's ability to react to different stimuli and also alters motor coordination, therefore: if you drink do not drive.

  • Use sunscreen

Many Carnival parties take place during the day outdoors, so it is essential to protect yourself from the effects of the sun. If you are going to be exposed to the sun, use sunscreen, caps and hats. It is also essential to remember to reapply the sunscreen every two hours, or after the time established by the manufacturer.

  • Use condom

A condom must be used in every sexual relationship.

Remember that if you are going to have sex, it is essential to use condom, regardless of the partner and the sexual practice adopted. Keep in mind that many diseases are also transmitted through oral sex and that many of these diseases cause no visible symptoms. Condoms are essential to prevent sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis, hepatitis, gonorrhea and of course HIV.

  • Take a rest

It's important to rest after long periods of partying. Sleeping well is essential, therefore, no sleepless days. THE sleep deprivation, in the short term, it is related, for example, with mood swings, tiredness, indisposition, irritability and difficulty concentrating.

Read too: The history of Carnival and its origins

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