Risks of overconsumption of sugar

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The exaggerated consumption of sugar can cause serious damage to health, so it is essential to control the amount of this product in the diet. Currently, there is a large increase in the amount of sugar in the diet, not only directly, but also “hidden” in various foods, such as juices, soft drinks and cookies. According to the Ministry of Health, consumption of free sugar should be 10% of total calories, but the Brazilian population exceeds this value by more than 50%.

→ Consequences

  • Emergence of cavities:according to some authors, bacteria use sugar to produce acids that damage the tooth. It is worth noting that sugar consumption alone is not responsible for caries, as it is also related to genetic factors and oral hygiene, for example.

  • Obesity: now considered a global epidemic, obesity is largely influenced by two factors: sedentary lifestyle and inadequate nutritional habits. The exaggerated consumption of fast food, caloric snacks and desserts are responsible for a significant increase in the weight of the population. The problem with obesity is that it is a risk factor for serious diseases, such as problems.

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    cardiovascular, hypertensionand diabetes. We can say that the excessive consumption of sugar can also cause these problems.

→ Does sugar consumption cause diabetes?

The relationship between sugar and diabetes is quite widespread, however, it is not completely true. There are two types of diabetes, the type 1, caused by genetic factors, and the type 2, which is also related to lifestyle. Weight gain contributes to the development of this last type, and the consumption of products rich in sugar is directly related to obesity.

→ What to do to prevent sugar from causing damage to the body?

To avoid harm to health, the recommendation is clear: decrease the amount of sugar ingested daily. For this, you must choose the foods to be consumed. It is worth remembering that the Ministry of Health's recommendations are that the consumption of sugars should not exceed 10% of the total energy value of the diet.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/riscos-consumo-exagerado-acucar.htm


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