Mario's story

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In 1980, after an unsuccessful attempt to Nintendo when making a game based on the Popeye cartoon, Miyamoto, considered the father of mario, was then asked by the company to design a new game based on their own ideas. The result of that was Donkey Kong, in which the character "jumpman" (Mario) was trying to save his girlfriend Pauline from the Donkey Kong gorilla..
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To be seen as a human being and not as a mutant or something like that, they put in Mario a huge mustache. In the United States, people realized that the character was extremely similar to a Nintendo employee named Mario Segali, hence the idea of ​​changing the name of jumpman for Mario, which has already started to be used in Miyamoto's next game, Donkey Kong Jr.

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Originally, Mario was a carpenter, but after the pipes he literally got into the famous game Mario Bros., came to be considered a plumber. After the tremendous success in Mario Bros, the character was further worked on. They created Luigi, his brother, and, in addition, put together a more elaborate story, with well-defined objectives and villains, in addition to increasing Mario's powers and friends.

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The plumber is, without a doubt, the main icon of Nintendo and perhaps he is also the main one of electronic games. The Mario series already has more than 500 million copies sold, and his games range from the modest Super Nintendo to the modern Wii, both from Nintendo.

*Image credits: Ngorkapong and Shutterstock
By James Dantas
Brazil School Team

Curiosities - Brazil School

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DANTAS, James. "Story of Mario"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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