Oasis. The oasis differs from the reality of a desert

In geographic science, oases corresponds to a restricted portion of desert that has water and cover plant, that is, a configuration that does not match the reality of the place, which is extremely adverse.
A team of archaeologists found in Egyptian territory that this type of place was used by men for at least seven thousand years, from that time to the present day, oases are used as support for commercial caravans that cross the desert, in this case they find water and can rest from the trip under the existing vegetation, escaping the heat scalding hot.
The most common oases come from the wind erosion process, in which the action of the wind removes the surface that is usually composed of sand. until it reaches the underground aquifer and many settle in a superficial way, so the water rises between the rocks and soil gaps and accumulates, forming a spring that provides fresh water to supply people and animals, in addition to contributing to the cultivation of subsistence.

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The date palm is a typical oasis vegetation.

The oasis for the natives of these desert regions is considered as something divine, as only the Sahara desert, located to the north of Africa and which is the second largest on the planet, has 9 million square kilometers and remains without even a drop of rain for up to ten years old.
A plant characteristic of these places is a palm tree known as the date palm, an adapted plant. to heat, its growth is fast and its roots have the ability to draw water from the ground. water table.
Through planting and irrigation techniques it is possible to grow crops such as chickpeas, peanuts, beans, carrots and onions under the shade of the date palm.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Curiosities - geography - Brazil School

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Oasis"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/oasis.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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