How to avoid back pain

Back pain, no doubt, bothers many people, whether in adulthood or childhood. It is estimated that of 70% to 85% of the population has had back pain during their lifetime. Although they can hide serious health problems, these pains are often ignored.
→ What can lead to back pain?

Several factors can affect our spine and cause back pain. Among the most well-known problems, it is worth mentioning:

⇒ Sedentary lifestyle: Sedentary lifestyle is related, for example, to the weakening of the muscles involved in trunk extension and, therefore, it can trigger back pain.

Obesity: Excess weight can cause wear and tear on thespine.

⇒ bad posture: Bad posture deserves special attention, after all, nowadays, we find several elements that favor this practice. A good example of this is the use of smartphone, which forces us to always stay with the neck down. In addition, we cannot forget the notebook used on the lap, the bad posture when sitting in the classroom or at work, among many other cases in which we forget the upright posture.

⇒ Wearing high heels: Wearing high-heeled shoes can increase pressure on the lower back, triggering pain.

⇒ Bags and heavy backpacks: Excess weight carried in backpacks and bags causes great stress on the structures of the spine and shoulders. This tension causes postural changes, which can trigger pain. The problem is even worse when only one side of the body receives the charge.

smoking: Smoking can be related to back pain, as the chemical substances present in cigarettes cause problems in the musculoskeletal system, such as dehydration of the intervertebral discs.

However, it is worth noting that pain is not always caused by known problems, such as those described above. In some cases, the pain is the result of neurological deficiency, hernias, fractures, tumors and infectionstherefore, it is essential to seek medical help whenever pain causes discomfort.
→ What should we do to avoid back pain?

⇒ Performing physical activities: Physical activity helps to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles and maintain proper posture. It is essential to seek medical attention when the exercises performed are of high impact.

⇒ Choose mattresses and pillows well: Mattresses must adequately accommodate the curvatures of the body and cannot be too soft, as they do not guarantee the necessary support, nor too firm. Pillows should adequately accommodate cervical lordosis when lying on their back and also maintain proper alignment when lying on their side. An interesting tip is, when lying on your side, put a pillow between your legs.

⇒ Do not wear high heels constantly.

⇒ Maintain good posture: When sitting, remember to rest your back against the back of the chair. When bending down to pick up weight, always bend your knees and don't bend your back. Divide the weight of bags and always use the two straps when using a backpack.

⇒ Avoid carrying too much weight.

⇒ No smoking.

Heads up:If you experience constant back pain, see a doctor.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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