Were there or were there?

The verb to exist is impersonal when it is in the sense of “existing”, that is, it does not admit a subject. In this case, it is invariant (not inflected) and conjugated in the third person singular.
Let's see:
dwarf there was enough candidates for this competition.
B) There was many people to take the contest test.
ç) There is ten days I don't eat red meat.
d) There will be someone who can help me!
The verb “haver” as impersonal can still appear in the verbal locution. Your assistant will accompany you and will also be conjugated in the third person singular:
The) It might have a way to resolve this process.
B) It might have ways to resolve this process.
c) Disagreements that may have been between the two, it's up to them to resolve.
However, when the verb "be" is that it plays the role of auxiliary and has a value equivalent to "to have", will be conjugated according to the subject:
a) On my vacation, hey to go to the beach.
b) When I went to my grandparents' house, they there were been visited by everyone in the family.

c) they there were encouraged my sister to go abroad.
Important: the verb “exist” makes normal verbal agreement, that is, with the subject.
Example: There were not enough candidates for this competition.

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By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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Had or Had? - Learn more about the right way to say: did or were there many people at the mall?

Grammar - Brazil School

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Was there or was there? "; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/haviam-ou-havia.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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