Leopard: classification, reproduction, threats

 O leopard is a feline belonging to the same gender as the tiger, Lion and Jaguar, the gender Panthera. These animals are found in the Africa and Asia, where occupy different habitat. They are excellent hunters and also excellent climbers of tree. The ability to climb trees is an important feature, allowing the leopard to achieve take your prey to the tops of trees and feed without fear that other animals will steal your snack. Leopards live from 10 to 12 years in the wild and from 21 to 23 years in captivity.

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Leopard's scientific name

The leopard is an animal belonging to the class Mammalia, order carnivora, family Felidae and gender Panthera. Its scientific name is Panthera pardus. According to IUCN, nine subspecies are recognized and distributed as follows:

There are nine leopard subspecies, which are distributed across Asia and Africa.
There are nine leopard subspecies, which are distributed across Asia and Africa.
  • panthera pardus pardus: Africa

  • panthera pardus nimr: Arabia

  • Panthera pardus saxicolor: southwest of Asia

  • panthera pardus melas: Java

  • panthera pardus kotiya: Sri Lanka

  • Panthera pardus fusca: indian subcontinent

  • Panthera pardus delacouri: Southeast Asia, South of China

  • Panthera pardus japonensis: north of china

  • panthera pardus orientalis: Russian Far East, Korean Peninsula and Northeast China

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General characteristics of the leopard

Oleopard is a big cat that stands out for presenting coat ranging from light yellow to reddish-orangeand several black spots, which generate confusion when differentiating them from other members of the genre Panthera, like jaguars. These spots, which resemble a rose, are called rosettes.

In the case of jaguars, the rosettes have black dots in the center. That doesn't happen with leopards. Their spots do not have these spots and are smaller and closer than those seen in jaguars.

Leopards are large felids that can weigh 90 kg and reach two meters in length. It is worth noting that their size varies geographically, with leopards from savanna and forest larger than the mountains and deserts. Another important point to be highlighted is that males tend to be larger than females.

Leopards have a long neck, short legs and long tail, which helps the animal maintain its balance. the paws present strong, sharp and retractable claws. The animal's body is flexible. leopards are animals lonely with twilight/night habits. They inhabit large territories and mark their region with urine, feces and claw marks. They are capable of making sounds.

Leopards are very fast animals, reaching 60 km/h. In addition, they are capable of jumping more than six meters horizontally and three meters vertically. Their agility, combined with their accurate vision and hearing, makes them great hunters. Like predators from leopards, we can mention lions, tigers, hyenas and wild dogs.

  • Black Panthers

You black fur leopards are called black panthers. These leopards have the condition of melanism, triggered by a gene that causes the individual to produce an excess of pigment. One theory is that melanism helps in camouflage of these animals in environments where there is an abundance of shade, such as dense forests.

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leopard habitat

The leopards are distributed by Africa and Asia and occupy a wide variety of habitats. They are observed, for example, in regions of savannas, forests, forests, mountainous habitats and even deserts.

leopard feed

Leopards are carnivorous animals that feed on different animals, including large mammals.
Leopards are carnivorous animals that feed on different animals, including large mammals.

the leopard is an animal carnivore, therefore feeding on other animals. Their diet is related to the availability of prey as well as the presence of others. cocontenders larger. Leopards feed on different animals, for example, reptiles, birds, and small and large mammals, like the antelopes. In places where there are competitors, such as lions and hyenas, leopards hide their prey under vegetation or place it on tree branches.

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leopard reproduction

The leopard is an animal that has several partners. The breeding season lasts all year, but it reaches its peak during the rainy season. Females' heat lasts seven days, and they have a 46-day cycle. Gestation lasts approximately 96 days, and females give birth, on average, every 15 to 24 months. At each pregnancy, on average, two puppies.

Leopard cubs, at birth, weigh about one kilogram and keep their eyes closed for the first week. Mothers keep their young hidden in burrows to prevent them from being preyed upon by other animals such as lions. At around six to eight weeks of age, puppies begin to come out of the den more regularly, and this is when they start eating solid food. Weaning occurs when they are about three months old, and become independent when they are about 20 months old.

threats to the leopard

Leopards, as well as several other animals in our planet, are today threatened due to man's action. Leopard populations suffer, for example, from fragmentation ofand its habitat, a hunting foréillegal relationship it's the use of your skin, Besides retaliation by farmers,who kill them to protect their herds.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
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